Team Blaise Foundation was founded in honor of Blaise McNair, a young kind hearted soul who passed away from the result of brain cancer (DIPG) at the age of 12. Blaise’s passion was golf, and we’re raising funds to help kids by doing what he loved most.So far our Foundation has had the honor of helping Richard, Mirah, Xander, Sada, Kasey & Howell – They have since earned their angel wings.We have also helped Riley, Liz, Hunter, & Willow. These kids are still fighting. 

3rd Annual Golf Tournament

Where: Longleaf Golf Course
10 Knoll Rd Southern Pines NC - Get Directions

When: Saturday October 7th 2017 
Sign In: 8am Tee Off: 9am Shotgun start

Cost per Player: $75.00 (Price Includes Golf, Gift Bag and Lunch)
Captains Choice Mulligans 2 for $10 (limit of 2)
1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Cash Prizes &  Longest Drive /Closest to Pin 
Win a chance to putt for $5,000, Hole in One Wins a Car & $10,000 Hole in One.

Team Blaise Foundation 3rd annual Signup.pdf
(318.71 KB)

Sponsorship Opportunities

Hole Sponsor $250 Includes:   Recognition signage at tee box & on flag

Tee Box Sponsor $150: Recognition signage at tee box.

Driving Range Sponsor $50: Recognition signage at the driving range

Hole Sponsors

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Checks and donations can be made out to Team Blaise Foundation

P.0. Box 474 
Carthage, NC 28327

Linda (910) 315-4074

We are a Non-Profit Organization making terminally ill children’s wishes come true…